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Krishnamurti The Role Of The Teacher Conversation between Jiddu Krishnamurti & Professor Jacob Needleman ...continued from part three Excerpt from The Awakening of Intelligence Krishnamurti: So I really have to go into this whole question of thought. Not make out that the body is lazy, force the body out of bed, because the body has its own intelligence, it knows when it is tired and should rest. This morning I was tired; I had prepared the mat and everything to do yoga exercises and the body said "No, sorry". And I said, "All right". That is not laziness. The body said, "Leave me alone because you talked yesterday, you saw many people, you are tired." Thought then says, "You must get up and do the exercises because it is good for you, you have done it every day, it has become a habit, don't relax, you will get lazy, keep at it." Which means: thought is making me lazy, not the body is making me lazy. Needleman: I understand that. So there is an effort with regard to thought. Krishnamurti: So no effort! Why is thought so mechanical? And is all thought mechanical? Needleman: Yes, all right, one puts that question. Krishnamurti: Isn't it? Needleman: I can't say that I have verified that. Krishnamurti: But we can, sir. That is fairly simple to see. Isn't all thought mechanical? The non-mechanical state is the absence of thought; not the neglect of thought but the absence of it. Needleman: How can I find that out? Krishnamurti: Do it now, it is simple enough. You can do it now if you wish to. Thought is mechanical. Needleman: Let's assume that. Krishnamurti: Not assume. Don't assume anything. Needleman: All right. Krishnamurti: Thought is mechanical, isn't it - because it is repetitive, conforming, comparing. Needleman: That part I see, the comparing. But my experience is that not all thought is of the same quality. There are qualities of thought. Krishnamurti: Are there? Needleman: In my experience there are. Krishnamurti: Let's find out. What is thought, thinking? Needleman: There seems to be thought that is very shallow, very repetitive, very mechanical, it has a certain taste to it. There seems to be another kind of thought which is connected more with my body, with my whole self, it resonates in another way. Krishnamurti: That is what, sir? Thought is the response of memory. Needleman: All right, this is a definition. Krishnamurti: No, no, I can see it in myself. I have to go to that house this evening - the memory, the distance, the design - all that is memory, isn't it? Needleman: Yes, that is memory. Krishnamurti: I have been there before and so the memory is well established and from that there is either instant thought, or thought which takes a little time. So I am asking myself: is all thought similar, mechanical, or is there thought which is non-mechanical, which is non-verbal? Needleman: Yes, that's right. Krishnamurti: Is there thought if there is no word? Needleman: There is understanding. Krishnamurti: Wait, sir. How does this understanding take place? Does it happen when thought is functioning rapidly, or when thought is quiet? Needleman: When thought is quiet, yes. Krishnamurti: Understanding is nothing to do with thought. You may reason, which is the process of thinking, logic, till you say, "I don't understand it"; then you become silent, and you say, "Ah! I see it, I understand it." That understanding is not a result of thought. ...Excerpt from The Awakening of Intelligence Continue to next part... |
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